Friday, April 29, 2011

The Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton

    So I had to DVR this wedding because I had important things to take of. As I reflected upon the stories of how they met and watched the important parts the wedding (minus the interviews), a few things came to mind. First, Kate as a commoner. The scripture that came to me was Acts 10:15 - "What God has cleansed, you must not call common". The history of the Royal family has always been closed to having "commoners" as part of their family. Having Kate as a bride had to be a miracle considering what she was against. But I love the way she carried herself. You never heard any nonsense from her because she kept things private. I believe her character had a great deal to do with the reason why they she had favor with the family.
    As I am writing this, thoughts come to mind about Queen Esther and the process she went through before becoming Queen. There is always a process, a character-building process, that God will put you through before He opens up certain doors for you. I believe that I am going through this process.
    Yes I do have a title in Nigeria, like they have in Britain. But my title didn't come with cash and a castle so, I didn't feel the need to tell anyone about it.
     As a child of God, His word tells us of our royal priesthood. 1 Peter 2:9 say that "you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, his own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light". We need to remember that when that royal wedding procession begins in heaven with streets made from gold, we will see Him in His fullness and truly witness who deserves all the praise.
    Until then, let's continue to praise Him for all He has done and will do in our lives...and let's pray for Britain, that God will continue to break down walls in the monarchy. There are no commoners in the body of Christ!! We are a Royal Priesthood!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Passing of Reverend David Wilkerson

On April 27, 2011, My former Pastor, Pstr. David Wilkerson went home to be with Jesus. Words can't express the way I feel. I felt like he was taken too soon. Just to find out that he passed away from a car accident just frustrated me..but I had to let go and know that God is still faithful.
I was part of Times Square Church from 1997 - 2007 and I was just recalling in my mind some of the messages he preached and a trial that I had gone through where he stepped in to try to help me. There is no one like Poppa Dave and he will truly be missed.  "Well done, good and faithful servant" -1931 - 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Soul Purpose

    So, I am self-employed with Soul Purpose and Youngevity. Soul Purpose is a certified organic skin care and hair care company. One of our top sellers, Ghananian Honey and Sugar body balm, body custard, body gel, body scrub and lotion are selling off the shelves. And we have a new hair care line, Salon Red, which caters to woman of all races to moisturize and keep you hair healthy. Our promotion this month thru the beginning of May for Mother's Day (May 8, 2011) is the Japanese Peony Gift Set. It includes a body custard, soy candle, solid perfume. So, if you are looking for a gift for that special woman in your life, consider the Japanese Peony Set.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Be Transformed

    So I took a nine week course called Be Transformed at Brooklyn Tab. I was so excited to take this course because I knew that I needed a change in my life - Spiritually, Physically, Emotionally. So much was going on in my life. From being laid off from my job and earning my Masters Degree, to being self-employed. I wasn't sure what the Lord wanted from me but to be  - Free. Anger and bitterness from the past was holding me back from the future. I wanted to be free from all the bitterness and be able to love the unlovable, let go of those who did wrong to me and forgive myself for things that I have done. God was cutting out all the things that was not of Him and replacing it with with restorative love.
    I started to realize in the course doing the homework and going to class that when I keep things inside, I allow the devil to have a foothold. But , when I expose what the enemy is keeping me from exposing, the devil can't throw it in my face anymore. I am free!!
    So I recently had my Be Transformed Graduation and it felt so good to see that God is changing me and I am moving from glory to glory. It's just the beginning of what God is doing in my life. I thank God for my new family at Brooklyn Tabernacle Church. 
    Spending time with the Lord and covering myself with the Word of God has been a healing balm in my heart and soul. Not to mention that Christ is our Intercessor!! What could I do without Him...nothing!!
     Romans 12:2 - "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God".

Check out my new companies, Soul Purpose and Youngevity.

Be Blessed!!