Monday, October 24, 2011

Co-Washing (Conditioner-Washing) Your Hair - Part 1

Over the past month, I have been trying to find new ways to take good care of my hair. Over the past several months , I have been reading articles and watching youtube videos on the subject of co washing your hair. So..........I decided to try it out!

Co-washing (conditioner washing) is running water through your hair without shampoo. Then following up with a conditioner.

Everyday, from Monday to Friday and Sunday, I would co-wash my hair. Saturday, I would wash with shampoo and follow up with a deep conditioner. I have to say that when the thought came to my mind to start this process, I kept telling myself that black people can't co-wash their hair. It needs shampoo!

I had questions in my mind like "is my hair really clean when I do this?", "what about the oils left in my hair?", or "will my hair smell?"

I can truly say that my hair is clean. The conditioner takes care of the excess oils and my hair smells wonderful! It has been growing strong and long. I couldn't believe it!  After you go through your co-wash process, you can follow it up with hair oil. I would suggest that when you buy your shampoo, conditioner and hairdress, use products are paraben free. This is healthier for the hair. This is just Part 1 of my co washing process. Pictures will follow..Let me know what you think and your suggestions! In the meantime, my store is open 24/7 for good hair products. MyHerbalCompany.Com

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